April 4, 2007
My Wife, The TV Star
I couldn’t be more proud of my spousal unit. Yeah Kim! That’s Life Room Redo – BEFORE: (click image to view) That’s Life Room Redo – AFTER: (click image to view)
March 21, 2007
When Nine Lives Runs Out
Today’s post is dedicated to our cat Penny, who as of today, has pee’d herself into a one-way ride to the shelter. Dearest Penny ……. goodnight and good luck.
March 19, 2007
Worst Album Covers Of All Time
I’ve found several lists of “Worst Album Covers” online. Here is my G-Rated list — enjoy!
March 16, 2007
“You’re Linda Johnson, Right?”
You know when you’re at a social event and everyone has to tell their most embarrassing moment? I don’t think I actually have a most embarrassing moment, but I do have this little story to tell. During my years in health care management, I managed a family practice with 5 physicians in a rural Missouri […]
March 13, 2007
March 13, 2007
Shepherd #1: “Are you sure those wise men are still coming with the myrrh?” Shepherd #2: “Yeah man, no worries, just sit tight. I know those guys and they’re definitely on their way.”
March 9, 2007
Foreigner Still Rocks
I took a bunch of pictures from my phone at a recent Foreigner show at The House Of Blues in Cleveland. Here is the best one of the bunch. What a great time and a great show! I thought without Lou Gramm it may be a disappointment, but the new lead singer was great — […]
March 8, 2007
Love Bomb, Side 2, Made My Day
If the new “Long Live 80’s” page doesn’t make you want to grow your mullet back, here’s a more obscure blast from the past…. If you haven’t heard Side 2 of The Tubes “Love Bomb”, you’re truly missing out on something special. It came on randomly in iTunes today and it made my day. AllMusic.com […]
March 7, 2007
My Soul Thirsts For…..1in3Trinity?
Psalm 63 was written by David when he was in the desert of Judah. In verse 1, what did David thirst for? “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you…” If David were in the desert of Judah today, I’m hoping he’s not thirsting for America’s new faith-based […]
March 6, 2007
Pranking A Telemarketer
Let’s all admit it would be SO cool to pull off what Tom Mabe does to telemarketers. I’ve heard several of these and here’s a new one: How To Prank A Telemarketer (yes, that is an actual call from a telemarketer)
March 3, 2007
Word Embryos: Human Verification Word #1
I’ve noticed more web sites have added the “human verification” process where you, as a human being and not a robot or software program, have to enter letters and/or numbers into a box to verify you are a human being. If you’ve ever submitted a site to Google or added a comment on a blog, […]