
March 2, 2007


While doing some research for my recent Idol Familiarities post, I stumbled onto these pictures of Debbie Harry – Then and Now. We are getting old folks.

February 28, 2007

I Can Hear Music, Sweet Sweet Music

There is no doubt that music is a big part of my life. I’m one of those people that while in conversation, when a random word or phrase is spoken, my brain will access a song lyric with those exact words. Depending on the setting, I often break into song right then. If it can’t […]

February 23, 2007

I’m Blogging

Fellow bloggers and blogger wannabes, ENJOY! [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=12yD8JyaVvY]

February 22, 2007

Idol Familiarities

The first time I saw Taylor Hicks in last season’s American Idol, I said to myself, “Who does he look like?” I kept on saying that for 3 months. In fact, the season ended and I had forgotten about it, then last week while doing some random activity it hit me. He looks a lot […]

February 19, 2007

Teenage Boys & Music Choices

I recently got into a discussion with a friend about music and our sons. He was starting to get concerned about what his oldest son was listening to and after a nice chat, I shared with him this email: Hi Steve, My son Grant and I enjoy looking for new music groups and listening to […]

February 17, 2007

Babel Downer

Have you seen Babel yet? If not, do yourself a favor and take a Prozac an hour before. Trust me on this one.

February 15, 2007

Blue Like Jazz – Free Chapter

I just finished Blue Like Jazz written by Donald Miller. There’s a summary of Blue Like Jazz on my Nightstand page and a link if you want to pick it up at Biblio. Miller has become one of my favorite authors and I especially enjoy his refreshing take on life and Christianity. It’s different than […]

February 13, 2007

I Feel Sorry For Morning Snow

This is an actual snippet from Weather.com for tomorrow. Poor Morning Snow. I bet she gets tired giving way to that bully Afternoon Snow.

February 13, 2007

You Hear That? That’s Studio Silence

I think I may have dreamed this, but I would swear that someone told me there was something called “studio silence”. I asked Google if it new what it was … Yoo hoo, Yahoo? … and even MSN, but none of them could confirm what is in my brain. Was it all a strange dream? […]

February 12, 2007

Trouble At Starbucks

Somewhere, behind this door, is my friend and colleague Sean, who while on the toilet is sending me text messages with sad-looking smiley faces. Poor guy. Too much cheese I suppose.